QUAKE - R E Q U I E M - VERSION 1.05b INSTRUCTIONS: To install this patch, you will need the full version of Quake. I cannot guarrantee that it will work on a shareware version. UnZIP REQ105B.ZIP to a new subdirectory of your Quake directory. eg. c:\quake\requiem <== files go in this directory.. Once ALL the files are in there, simply run Quake with the ' -game ' parameter. eg. quake -game requiem It might also be a good idea to add '-listen' or '-deathmatch' so that as soon as you start, it's already a deathmatch game. And that's it!!! You're off and away! Remember to read the REQ.TXT also supplied for more information on gameplay and settings. Thanx. Enjoy! Requiem. requiem@powernet.com.au